
Our mission

We want to offer our clients professional consultancy services in order to provide efficient solutions that would add value to their business. We are dedicated to the idea of performance through partnership.

Our mission is to supply high quality services with professionalism, resulting in the best solutions for growing and protecting the businesses of our clients.

IBS applies three distinct principles for accomplishing its mission:

  1. The best solutions are discovered together

In order to find viable solutions, our technical skill and experience is not enough. We need the help of our clients. This is why during our activity we will question clients about their opinion regarding the solutions we propose in order to come up with the right one.

  1. Professional standards

We are aware of the fact that in order to provide quality services professional work standards and the continuous professional development of our team members is paramount. Our procedures involve immediate implementation of any modification brought to professional work standards as well as permanent monitoring of our team members regarding any changes that may occur in the fiscal, accounting and audit fields.

  1. Objectivity and independence

For us, our clients’ best interest and success come first. This is why we consider that fair, objective and timely notification of our clients regarding the aspects we may uncover during our work is one of the key factors necessary in order to successfully finalize our goals.

Mission statement:

    • The best solutions are discovered together
    • Professional standards
    • Objectivity and independence


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